Monday, February 17, 2014

Post #94: Skiing Down Quandary Peak

Avalanche Danger is as high as it's ever been in Colorado.  The size of avalanches hit the tipping point after 12 feet of snow in 14 days and 100mph winds.  Right now, most avalanches in CO are matter what equipment or gizmos you have with you.  I felt like Quandary Peak would be a smart option -- knowing it like the back of my hand.  The slope angle is relatively low making it a safer option.

Skiing Down:

Post #93: Tomer's Trails: Golden Gate Canyon State Park

You can find solitude in the winter within an hours drive of Denver.  We made two trips to Golden Gate Canyon State park to snowshoe -- the park is incredibly big with over 12,000 acres of pristine wilderness. 

Here's my story:

Monday, February 3, 2014

Post #92: Tomer's Trails: Monarch Cat-Skiing

I've wanted to cat-ski at Monarch for years.  The good folks at Monarch rolled out the red carpet and we had an outstanding trip.
Leanne and I invited Jon Kedrowski and Tara Dactyl to join us.  Station photographer Kolin Lawler also went to help shoot it.
Monarch sits right on the Continental Divide in Chaffee County.  The views are excellent - right into the heart of the San Juans.
Here's the story: